
In this video, part 2 of my series of videos on my book The Myth of the ADHD Child, I look at how we can use a developmental perspective to make sense of ADHD symptoms (rather than explaining them by seeing them as due to a medical disorder).  I’ve included the transcript to the video...
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I’m kicking off a new 12-part video series based on my book The Myth of the ADHD Child:  101 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion.  In this first video, I explain why I used the word ”myth” in the title of the book.  Some people think that...
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ADHD has three negative words in the label: ”deficit” ”hyperactivity” and ”disorder.” And yet recent research suggests that this form of neurological diversity actually has more assets in it than deficits. Why is there such an emphasis on what’s wrong in the ADHD field?  Why don’t we know more about the strengths of children, teens,...
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A new study in the April 18, 2023 issue of JAMA Network Open suggests that up to 25% of middle school and high school students in some schools engage in  ”nonmedical use of prescription stimulants,” (NUPS) to get ”high,” to get a ”cognitive boost” for class, and as a ”study drug” to help prepare for...
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The New York Times reports today that there is an Adderall shortage nationwide, affecting perhaps hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.  As someone who takes antidepressants for my unipolar depression, I can empathize greatly with all of you out there, feeling almost a sense of panic if I weren’t able to get my...
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