
Essays On My 10 Key Writing and Speaking Topics

Handouts from My Speaking Events

My Articles and Book Chapters

(Please click on the article name to read, print, or download. Use your browser’s “Back” button to return.  In some cases, the full article may only be available through a paywall.)

To read additional short articles by Dr. Armstrong on a number of learning themes, visit the The National Parenting Center.

My Guest Blog Posts

My Webinars, Interviews, Videos, and Podcasts

Press Clippings of My Books

Some of My Favorite Web Links


Multiple Intelligences

Natural Genius in Children and Adults

Human Development and the Stages of Life

The Miseducation of America (critical voices in education)

Living Schools

(programs based on ecological principles)

Education Speakers

Strengths of ADHD


Click Here To Schedule a Speaking Engagement with Dr. Armstrong

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