
Do you know your IQ?  Do you even care?  Howard Gardner at Harvard University says that IQ is far too limited a measure of a person’s human potential.  In his renowned theory of multiple intelligences, he came up with 8 and possibly even 9 intelligences that give a greater range of human accomplishment.  What are...
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One of the most important things that homeschooling parents can share with their kids is to teach them about how they learn best.  You can always teach them individual things (spelling, math concepts, reading skills), but if you teach them about their own personal style of learning, you give them a gift that they will...
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This is video #6 in my 12-part video series based on my book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students. In this video you will learn 5 practical strategies for incorporating self-awareness activities in the middle and high school classroom. These 5 strategies include the following ideas: Use...
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