
  Reframe your thinking about dyslexia with The Dyslexic Fiddler Crab: A Survival Guide for Students Watch the book trailer Order the book here  The Dyslexic Fiddler Crab: A Survival Guide for Students  Kindle version The Dyslexic Fiddler Crab: A Survival Guide for Students  Paperback version    All October proceeds will go towards scholarships for kids...
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According to Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard University, we need to go beyond the ”IQ” as a measure of intelligence. He suggests that there are at least eight intelligences (possibly nine), including: Word Smart, Number/Logic Smart, Picture Smart, Music Smart, Body Smart, Nature Smart, People Smart, and Self Smart. At ninth intelligence might...
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Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences suggests that there are ”learning disabilities” in each of the eight intelligences.  For Word Smart, there’s  ”dyslexia” or difficulty decoding the printed word.  For Music Smart there’s ”dysmusia,” when a person can’t sing on tune, has poor rhythm, and/or lacks a good musical memory. For Number/Logic Smart, there’s...
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The term ”dyslexia”  simply means ”trouble with words” in Latin.  But when we speak of dyslexics, we’re talking about individuals who primarily have difficulty decoding words, thus making the act of reading (and writing) an onerous task, unless and until they receive intensive instruction in phonemic awareness and other literacy skills.  However, while the ”deficit” is...
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This is video #5 of my 10-video series Introduction to Neurodiversity, a course I taught in 2021-2022 at Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education. In this video I discuss the gifts of dyslexia, including strong visual-spatial reasoning, three-dimensional thinking, entrepreneurial vision, and holistic perception. I look at famous people with dyslexia, how the...
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