
Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is now 40 years old, and as part of the celebration, I’ve put together several quick videos that touch upon different aspects of his model.  In this video, I talk about an intelligence that he has not officially integrated into his other eight intelligences, but he has spoken and...
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iWe are so conditioned to regard the child as ”less than” adults (e.g. less tall, less intelligent, less emotionally stable etc.), that we miss something that I believe is essential to understanding not only childhood, but life itself.  Yes, children lack many of the essentials for independent living in the world – that is only...
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James W. Fowler (1940-2015) was an American theologian who was Professor of Theology and Human Development at Emory University.  He was director of both the Center for Research on Faith and Moral Development and the Center for Ethics until he retired in 2005. He was a minister in the United Methodist Church.  He is perhaps...
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Gerald Heard (1889-1971) was a British historian, science writer, public lecturer, educator, and philosopher, who was one of the early progenitors of the human potential movement in the United States.  A a mentor to Aldous Huxley, Christopher Isherwood, and other luminaries, he was instrumental in co-leading the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill Wilson, the film...
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Romano Guardini (1885-1968) was a German Catholic priest and philosopher who was one of the most important influences on Catholic intellectual life in the 20th century.  His work influenced Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict) and Jorge Mario Bergoglio (later Pope Francis), who made Guardini’s work the focus of his doctoral dissertation (which was never completed). ...
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