
Prebirth and Birth
I’ve just returned from Monterrey, Mexico where I keynoted the 19th Encuentro Internacional de Educacion Inicial y Preescolar (International Meeting of Initial & Preschool Education).  This conference is hosted by the Centro de Desarrollo Infantil or Center for Child Development (CENDI), a network of public educational centers that offers comprehensive services for children in high...
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Check out this photo.  That’s you several decades ago.  Well, not exactly you, but let’s say there’s a pretty remarkable resemblance.  What you’re looking at is a zygote, a fertilized ovum, a one-celled organism.  This, however, is not a science essay.  It’s more along the lines of a self-introspection.  I’d like you to meditate upon...
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Most of us have taken interesting journeys in our lives (and we have photos to prove it!).  But there was one journey we took that was more incredible than all the others combined:  Our journey from the moment of conception to implantation within our mother’s womb.  You might think:  ”Well, I really wasn’t around to...
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There’s an old Medieval rabbinical tale that says that before we were born, we each had a light that shined above us.  This light looked backwards into our origins and forwards into our destiny.  But just before we took birth, an angel named Lailah, who had been looking after us during our pre-birth development, came...
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Cesarean section births are on the rise.  In 2007, 32% of all births in the United States were C-sections compared to 23% in 2000 (in other developed countries the rates range between 10-15%).  While some C-sections are medically necessary due to birth complications (e.g. a breach birth etc.), there has been an increase in the...
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