Typically, when we think of learning, we think of textbooks, lectures, worksheets, classrooms, and the like. However, any real definition of learning should be much broader than that. Using Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, we see that it is possible to learn through all eight of his intelligences. For example, if we wanted...Read More
Summer is officially here, and many parents–after homeschooling their kids for the last three months–are wondering whether they should keep schooling their kids to make up for a potential ”summer slide” or just let them enjoy the summer. I come down strongly on the side of enjoying summer, but that doesn’t mean learning need not...Read More
iWe are so conditioned to regard the child as ”less than” adults (e.g. less tall, less intelligent, less emotionally stable etc.), that we miss something that I believe is essential to understanding not only childhood, but life itself. Yes, children lack many of the essentials for independent living in the world – that is only...Read More
During the past three months, millions of parents have had to become ”experts” in teaching and learning, familiarizing themselves with school subjects, study skills, instructional objectives, distance learning, and a lot more. However, there’s one teaching component that is central to learning that often gets left out of the mix: helping a child or teen’s...Read More
Six-year-old Timothy likes to stand up and walk around while eating his dinner. He plays basketball or hockey while watching TV. When reading with his mother, he moves the book up and down, swings his legs back and forth, and makes it hard for her to focus on the words that they’re reading together. Nine-year-old Caleb...Read More
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