Everybody wants to find their dream job. Yet most people, it seems, find themselves in careers that are less than satisfying, and often even pure drudgery. This shouldn’t be happening. Everyone deserves to work at an occupation that makes the most of who they are. In this video, I talk about how knowing your multiple...Read More
Ever find yourself totally absorbed in an activity? It could be playing a sport, writing a poem, playing a piece of music, painting a picture, watching a caterpillar, doing a math problem, or some other challenging project. If so, then you have had an experience of ”flow.” This concept, developed by the Hungarian-American psychologist Dr....Read More
Most people think of the theory of multiple intelligences as a cognitive model of learning; that is, a path guiding us to an understanding of how people think. But I believe that there is an important affective purpose in using the theory, and that is, to make you happy. It represents a picture of our...Read More
The old adage ”use it or lose it” seems to apply to the human brain according to findings in neuroscience. Studies of lifelong learners (most famously, a group of nuns in Mankato, Minnesota) show that engaging in a variety of stimulating activities throughout adult life can result in lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and better...Read More
I just produced this fifteen minute video/slide presentation which discusses my book Childless (about a childless child psychologist who tries to foil a U.S. government plot to remove childhood from the human genome) and how its darkly comedic satire is intended in part to raise awareness about how the institution of childhood is under attack...Read More
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