Summer is officially here, and many parents–after homeschooling their kids for the last three months–are wondering whether they should keep schooling their kids to make up for a potential ”summer slide” or just let them enjoy the summer. I come down strongly on the side of enjoying summer, but that doesn’t mean learning need not...Read More
The fact that music even exists is one of the marvelous things about being alive. And Harvard professor Howard Gardner said that music is actually an intelligence. However, in school, music is the first program to be cut out of the budget if there’s a financial crush, and many kids get to take music only two...Read More
One of the most interesting ”learning styles” that I’ve encountered over the course of my teaching is the highly-spatial ”at risk” thinker (I’ll call them “Imagers”). These kids are often ”at risk” for being diagnosed with learning disabilities, dyslexia, and even ADHD. However, for the most part, they simply think in a way that is...Read More
Many educators and parents have been worrying that the interruption in school being experienced by so many students nationwide (and worldwide) as a result of COVID-19 will result in significant ”learning loss.” That is, by not having previous learning reinforced, and by not adding new learning to their experience, students will backslide in their academic...Read More
There’s an age-old concept in the field of education called ”the teachable moment.” This is when an event happens unexpectedly that provides an opportunity for students to learn something new. So, for example, if a great statesman died, this might be the chance to learn something about his life, or to examine the traits of...Read More
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