Asked to define what an ”intelligence” is, Dr. Howard Gardner replied that it is the ability to solve problems and to fashion culturally valued products. This introduction of culture into his theory offers us the opportunity to explore the application of the theory of multiple intelligences to cultural diversity. Some people have made the mistake...Read More
Most of us have taken interesting journeys in our lives (and we have photos to prove it!). But there was one journey we took that was more incredible than all the others combined: Our journey from the moment of conception to implantation within our mother’s womb. You might think: ”Well, I really wasn’t around to...Read More
There’s an old Medieval rabbinical tale that says that before we were born, we each had a light that shined above us. This light looked backwards into our origins and forwards into our destiny. But just before we took birth, an angel named Lailah, who had been looking after us during our pre-birth development, came...Read More
Starting today, the Shoah Foundation, an education group from the University of Southern California that disseminates information about the Holocaust to schools, will release a new activity, resource, or professional development opportunity, one per day, for the first 100 days of President Trump’s term of office. The initiative is called ”100 Days to Inspire Respect”...Read More
Today we have a guest blog from Chris Santos-Lang who is the founder and president of The Organization for Collaborative Leadership, Inc. Chris has written about evaluativism, which, simply put, is the disregard of people with differing values, including political, social, moral, philosophical, gender-based, sexuality-based, racial, ethnic, and class-based values, among other points of view....Read More
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