In the movie Ikiru, directed by Akira Kurosawa, an aging bureaucrat discovers he has stomach cancer and is propelled into an existential crisis by the realization that he has wasted his life engaged in a meaningless job. This revelation opens him up, however, to a constructive act: he sets to work transforming a stagnant pond...Read More
To watch a great film is to be fed aesthetically, emotionally, and intellectually. But there are certain great films that do more: they serve as time machines, bringing us backwards or forwards into stages of life that we have already traveled or will eventually and hopefully travel in the future. I call these ”stages of...Read More
by Max Gottlieb We’re well aware that when people stop exercising, especially as they get older, their risk goes up for partially preventable conditions such as heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. What many people fail to consider, however, is that brain health also plays a major role in overall health. Beyond dementia or...Read More
Think about the aging process and most people will project negative perceptions and feelings onto the later stages of life. However, a new study that randomly interviewed people in their later years, revealed that while cognitive and physical ailments may increase after sixty, mental health, resilience and the ability to shrug off the small stuff...Read More
Here’s a little multiple choice quiz: When we come to the end of life, what is it that we are most likely to regret? Is it: a) ”I wish that I had spent more time answering my email” b). ”I wish I had spent more time texting.” c) ”I wish I had spent more time...Read More
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