With mindfulness practices being all the rage in school these days, some teachers are bound to respond with a feeling of doubt or even exasperation, thinking: ”I already have enough on my plate, curriculum-wise, and I see mindfulness as just another thing I have to incorporate into my classroom.” This objection is understandable, because teachers...Read More
I’ve been writing a lot the past couple of years and I wanted to let you know about two new books that have come out this year! The first one is The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life. This is a new edition of a book published by another publisher in 2008, that...Read More
via GIPHY Our kids are coming to school this school year from a world driven by polarization, aggression, lack of civility, and bullying, among other ills. All the more reason to inject more kindness into the classroom day. Kindness is an instinct that is found in babies, but it needs stimulation from the environment to...Read More
With the growth of mindfulness in classrooms around the country and the world, a number of misconceptions have arisen about mindful practices which deserve to be clarified. The Myth: “Mindfulness is just another form of mind control over our children.” The Reality: Mindfulness actually helps children gain control of their own minds so that they’re...Read More
Millions of children are practicing mindfulness all over the world, and while it’s a very simple process of training the mind to be always in the present moment, without judgement, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. It can be useful if a parent or teacher has some creative ways to explain...Read More
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