
The sudden appearance of a worldwide pandemic, and the closure of most schools across the United States, has left many parents scrambling to provide homeschooling for their kids.  While in many cases the schools have taken the lead in this effort and are providing online learning for their students, in other cases parents are more...
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One of the most important things that homeschooling parents can share with their kids is to teach them about how they learn best.  You can always teach them individual things (spelling, math concepts, reading skills), but if you teach them about their own personal style of learning, you give them a gift that they will...
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With the advent of COVID-19, millions of parents are now confronted with the task of teaching their kids at home.  I’d like to save you a lot of time and frustration trying to badger your child into finishing his school assignment or an assignment from a homeschooling program you’ve just enrolled in.  The fact of...
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If you close your eyes and visualize a typical high school classroom, chances are you’ll be imagining a class where students are sitting at desks listening to a teacher lecture or working on written assignments.  Now we’re learning that this scenario may increase the risk of depression in adolescents.  A new study in the journal...
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What is tacit knowing?  As I pointed out in my last blog post, it’s ”knowing more than we can tell.” One of the best examples comes from oral language.  We all learned to speak based on tacit learning experiences. How is it that we can effortlessly put one word right after the other without breaking...
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