
In this video, part 2 of my series of videos on my book The Myth of the ADHD Child, I look at how we can use a developmental perspective to make sense of ADHD symptoms (rather than explaining them by seeing them as due to a medical disorder).  I’ve included the transcript to the video...
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I’m kicking off a new 12-part video series based on my book The Myth of the ADHD Child:  101 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion.  In this first video, I explain why I used the word ”myth” in the title of the book.  Some people think that...
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Everybody wants to find their dream job.  Yet most people, it seems, find themselves in careers that are less than satisfying, and often even pure drudgery.  This shouldn’t be happening.  Everyone deserves to work at an occupation that makes the most of who they are.  In this video, I talk about how knowing your multiple...
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Everybody knows that ADHD is a big phenomenon in our culture.  Rates of ADHD in children, teens, and adults have skyrocketed over the past few years.  But there’s problem if you think about it.  ADHD as a diagnostic term has three negatives in it (deficit, hyperactivity, disorder).  Having been an educator for the past fifty...
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According to Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard University, we need to go beyond the ”IQ” as a measure of intelligence. He suggests that there are at least eight intelligences (possibly nine), including: Word Smart, Number/Logic Smart, Picture Smart, Music Smart, Body Smart, Nature Smart, People Smart, and Self Smart. At ninth intelligence might...
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