In this concluding video in my 12-part video series ”The Myth of the ADHD Child,” I examine the question ”Does ADHD even exist?” I approach this question from several angles, including the questions: ”Do ADHD symptoms exist?” (yes, they do), ”Does ADHD exist as a de facto disorder?” (yes, it does, it’s in the DSM),...Read More
This video (and accompanying transcript below) looks at six ecological factors contributing to a diagnosis of ADHD including: ultra-processed food, nature deficit disorder, the decline of rough-and-tumble play, the lack of adequate sunshine, the toxic effects of environmental contaminants, and inadequate sleep. It recommends that we not turn a blind eye to these...Read More
In this video (number 10 in my 12-part video series on The Myth of the ADHD Child), I provide a sociological interpretation of the disorder as a strong counterpoint to the usual depiction of ADHD as a medical disorder with a biochemical basis. I explain how the phenomenon of ADHD emerged over the past several...Read More
In 1993, ADHD advocate Thom Hartmann wrote that people diagnosed with ADHD are ”hunters in a farmer’s world.” In this video, I continue his train of thought by focusing on how ADHD may best be represented as a genetic adaptation to conditions during prehistoric times. The video describes Darwin’s theory of natural selection and examines...Read More
Most people think of ADHD as a discrete medical disorder. However, I’ve suggested that the symptoms associated with ADHD can be accounted for in terms of a wide variety of other influences. So far in my You Tube video series on The Myth of the ADHD, I’ve talked about the impact of media, all-boy behavior,...Read More
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