
Six-year-old Timothy likes to stand up and walk around while eating his dinner.  He plays basketball or hockey while watching TV.  When reading with his mother, he moves the book up and down, swings his legs back and forth, and makes it hard for her to focus on the words that they’re reading together. Nine-year-old Caleb...
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Concerned about your child’s behavior at school?  Think he might have ADHD?  Looking for help from the school’s special education program?  A new study reveals that when two groups of primary school children are matched in terms of identical behavioral issues, but one group is diagnosed with ADHD and the other is not, the kids...
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A blog post appeared today on the website, Motherly, which I wrote, that provides practical strategies to help kids focus.  It is especially relevant to kids diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  The tips I recommend include exercise, a nourishing diet, relaxation skills, talking to the child’s teacher about why fidgeting helps some kids focus,...
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