
best practices
There’s all this talk of ‘’best practices’’ in education but nobody talks about worst practices.  Here’s something that I think qualifies as a ‘’worst practice’’ – it involves educators’ propensity to teach mostly explicit knowledge as opposed to tacit knowledge.  Scientist and philosopher Michael Polanyi bases his understanding of ‘’tacit knowing’’ on the principle ‘’that...
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This is the final video in my video series based on my book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students published by ASCD. In this video we look at 8 ”brain hostile practices” — in other words, ”worst practices” in middle and high schools, because they fail to...
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This week I had a ”Commentary” piece in Education Week, American education’s weekly newspaper of record, based on my new book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students (ASCD).  It also appeared in their online edition with a different title:  “Neuroscience Should Inform School Policies.’‘  Here is the complete...
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