Spelling is part of the Common Core State Standards, but doesn’t receive much coverage in education journals. Often teachers use the same old same old strategies to teach spelling skills, including: use the word in a sentence, copy the word ten times, look it up in the dictionary, say the letters of the word as...Read More
It’s been eight years since the Common Core State Standards were unveiled and states began adopting them for use in their evaluation programs. The firestorm of controversy which initially greeted their introduction into American education from both sides of the political aisle seems to have died down somewhat and presently the Common Core appears to...Read More
The establishment of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for students nationwide represents a particularly robust challenge for teachers of students with special needs. On the one hand, advocates for students with disabilities have made it clear that they want these students to be held to the same high level of achievement as typically developing students. On the other...Read More
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