
This is Video #10 in my 12-part video series based on my book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students. In this video we take a look at how teachers can use metacognitive strategies or strategies to help teens think about their own thinking processes. The six strategies...
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My Note:  During my recent trip to the Philippines, I did a number of media interviews (television, print, and online).  Here is an article that came out of one such interview.  It appeared at www.InterAkyson.com, the online news portal of TV 5 in Quezon City, Philippines: Educator warns: Be wary of schools preparing kids for ‘next level,’ focus...
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The word “alignment” has many meanings:  there’s wheel alignment, body alignment, road alignment, and many other kinds of alignment.  But when the word is used in the field of education, that should be a red flag to educators and parents.  Beware!  Usually the word is used in reference to the curriculum at different age and grade levels. ...
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