
education reform
This blog post of mine, entitled ”What If Great Minds Ran Our Schools?” based on my book If Einstein Ran the Schools: Revitalizing U.S. Education, first appeared in the blog TeachThought on May 1, 2020: The long-awaited test results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) are in, and although there’s something there for...
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Millions of parents around the U.S. are wringing their hands and racking their brains about what to do with their kids being at home from school until the coronavirus curve flattens out.  For many, the idea of losing crucial academic skills is keen, and parents fear that their kids will fall behind in their studies...
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I was reading my Twitter feed a few days ago, and one person was sharing some innovations at their school. This drew the comment from another tweeter that ”we could never do that in our school.” This made me think about how change occurs in education, and what sorts of qualities are required in order...
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Back in the early 1970’s when I was just starting my career in education as a student at the University of Massachusetts School of Education, I visited the St. Paul Open School, where the principal was Wayne B. Jennings.  My guide through the school I remember was a little boy, perhaps first grade, who had...
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Here is a link to an interview I did with Rod Berger on edCircuit about how we need to pay attention to recent research on adolescent brain development as we reform our secondary schools. It is based on my new book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students. Share...
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