First, my complaint: I don’t like the direction that reading instruction has taken in this country, moving as it has toward lock-step teaching of phonemic awareness, incessant teaching of reading comprehension ”skills” (e.g. finding the main idea, making inferences etc.), and ”close reading” strategies (where the child is restricted to just what is in the...Read More
The fact that music even exists is one of the marvelous things about being alive. And Harvard professor Howard Gardner said that music is actually an intelligence. However, in school, music is the first program to be cut out of the budget if there’s a financial crush, and many kids get to take music only two...Read More
With kids doing so much of their learning at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, it becomes very important to make sure that their personal study area in the home is especially conducive to study and concentration. Here are five tips for putting together an optimal learning environment for your teen (or child). Naturally, there are...Read More
William Shakespeare is generally regarded as the greatest writer of the English language. All too often, though, he is taught at the secondary school level in a way that does not endear this brilliant man to high school students. I remember being bored by Shakespeare when I was in school. What can be done to...Read More
Homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult enough for many parents, but some have the additional responsibility of helping their ADHD-diagnosed kids with schoolwork. Here are some tips to help you along: Let Your Child Fidget. Researchers now say that fidgeting actually helps ADHD-identified kids focus better. One resource that can help with this (so...Read More
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