The following strategies are described in my new book: The Myth of the ADHD Child, Revised Edition: 101 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion (Tarcher/Perigee). Let Your Child Fidget Channel Creative Energies into the Arts Emphasize Diversity, Not Disability Enroll Your Child in a Martial Arts Class...Read More
I have a new article on the site MiddleWeb, which focuses on the importance of understanding recent brain research and how it can inform the creation of ”brain friendly” practices for young adolescents. I was a junior high school teacher, a professor of courses in childhood and adolescent development, and a consultant to middle schools,...Read More
This is Video #10 in my 12-part video series based on my book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students. In this video we take a look at how teachers can use metacognitive strategies or strategies to help teens think about their own thinking processes. The six strategies...Read More
This week I had a ”Commentary” piece in Education Week, American education’s weekly newspaper of record, based on my new book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students (ASCD). It also appeared in their online edition with a different title: “Neuroscience Should Inform School Policies.’‘ Here is the complete...Read More
In this week’s online edition of Education Week I’ve contributed a post on metacognition and its importance for adolescent learning. There are several other posts on metacognition as well on Ed. Week’s blog ”Classroom Q & A with Larry Ferlazzo. Here’s my contribution: ...Read More
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