Everybody wants to find their dream job. Yet most people, it seems, find themselves in careers that are less than satisfying, and often even pure drudgery. This shouldn’t be happening. Everyone deserves to work at an occupation that makes the most of who they are. In this video, I talk about how knowing your multiple...Read More
According to Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard University, we need to go beyond the ”IQ” as a measure of intelligence. He suggests that there are at least eight intelligences (possibly nine), including: Word Smart, Number/Logic Smart, Picture Smart, Music Smart, Body Smart, Nature Smart, People Smart, and Self Smart. At ninth intelligence might...Read More
Ever find yourself totally absorbed in an activity? It could be playing a sport, writing a poem, playing a piece of music, painting a picture, watching a caterpillar, doing a math problem, or some other challenging project. If so, then you have had an experience of ”flow.” This concept, developed by the Hungarian-American psychologist Dr....Read More
Want to learn a new language like French, Spanish, or Italian? It’s not all about memorization. There are things we can do to optimize our learning ability. Dr. Howard Gardner says that there are at least eight different intelligences that make up the human mind. We can use strategies from each of these intelligences to...Read More
Typically, when we think of learning, we think of textbooks, lectures, worksheets, classrooms, and the like. However, any real definition of learning should be much broader than that. Using Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, we see that it is possible to learn through all eight of his intelligences. For example, if we wanted...Read More
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