
Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is now 40 years old, and as part of the celebration, I’ve put together several quick videos that touch upon different aspects of his model.  In this video, I talk about an intelligence that he has not officially integrated into his other eight intelligences, but he has spoken and...
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Most of us have taken interesting journeys in our lives (and we have photos to prove it!).  But there was one journey we took that was more incredible than all the others combined:  Our journey from the moment of conception to implantation within our mother’s womb.  You might think:  ”Well, I really wasn’t around to...
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Hesiod was a Greek poet who lived and wrote during the time of Homer (between 750 and 650 B.C.E).  From his writings we have one of the first developmental theories, not about the individual stages of life, but rather about how humanity develops over time.  He believed there were five ages of humankind, four of...
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