Millions of parents around the U.S. are wringing their hands and racking their brains about what to do with their kids being at home from school until the coronavirus curve flattens out. For many, the idea of losing crucial academic skills is keen, and parents fear that their kids will fall behind in their studies...Read More
In many parts of the country today, it’s up to parents to supervise their children’s or teen’s education due to the school closures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of an effort to get parents up to speed on things they can do with their kids that promote their academic development, here are some...Read More
The sudden appearance of a worldwide pandemic, and the closure of most schools across the United States, has left many parents scrambling to provide homeschooling for their kids. While in many cases the schools have taken the lead in this effort and are providing online learning for their students, in other cases parents are more...Read More
Knowing how your child learns best can mean the difference between experiencing frustration and failure at school or achieving academic excellence and engagement. One of the best frameworks for understanding how your child learns is Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Gardner argues that there is not one intelligence for all (measured by I.Q. tests),...Read More
While many parents are opting to use the school’s or the Internet’s learning programs with their kids during the COVID-19 outbreak, some parents are using this time as an opportunity to engage their children and teens in unique learning adventures and experiences. If you find yourself in that latter category of parents, I want to...Read More
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