
secondary school
Education Week Teacher has a feature ”Classroom Q & A with Larry Ferlazzo,” which has a different education topic every week, to which guest writers post responses.  Last week it was:  ”’Learning Self-Regulation’ Is Needed on Path to Academic Success.”  I was one of the contributors, and this was my response: The issue of self-control...
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Catch my interview with educator and best-selling author Rae Pica, and middle school teacher Heather Wolpert-Gawron, on BAM! Radio’s show ”Studentcentricity.”’ ”Every middle school teacher knows that teaching adolescents is one of the most confounding aspects of teaching. Our guests join us to offer a helpful framework.” Here’s the link For more information about the adolescent mind,...
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Here is a link to an interview I did with Rod Berger on edCircuit about how we need to pay attention to recent research on adolescent brain development as we reform our secondary schools. It is based on my new book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students. Share...
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I’m starting a new video series based upon my book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students (ASCD).  This is the first video, entitled ”The Passion and Promise of the Teenage Years.”  For those of you who prefer to read a transcript rather than watch the video, I’ve...
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