During the past three months, millions of parents have had to become ”experts” in teaching and learning, familiarizing themselves with school subjects, study skills, instructional objectives, distance learning, and a lot more. However, there’s one teaching component that is central to learning that often gets left out of the mix: helping a child or teen’s...Read More
Homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult enough for many parents, but some have the additional responsibility of helping their ADHD-diagnosed kids with schoolwork. Here are some tips to help you along: Let Your Child Fidget. Researchers now say that fidgeting actually helps ADHD-identified kids focus better. One resource that can help with this (so...Read More
More kids are suffering from trauma-related sensitivities than you might realize The gold standard research on this matter is the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They looked at almost 10,000 adults at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego,, California, who were asked questions covering seven aspects of...Read More
I’m happy to see that educators are paying more attention these days to the impact that past traumas have had on students and the need for an emphasis on social and emotional learning in the classroom. This comes as welcome relief from the strong emphasis that has been placed in past years on standards and...Read More
More and more these days, teachers are engaging students in mindfulness practices, which research suggests helps develop executive functioning, self-regulation skills, and social and emotional learning in students. But how to get started? Here are a few tips: Begin your own personal mindfulness practice before you share it with students. Setting aside even 5 or 10...Read More
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