I was a special education teacher for several years, and during my time teaching, I became aware that not enough emphasis was being placed on the strengths of children who had been sent to my special classes. This made me resolve to do some research, and I had the opportunity to do this when I did...Read More
Katie Apostolides, who has Down Syndrome, graduated in 2009 from Mount Aloysius College in Cresson, Pennsylvania with an associate’s degree in science. This makes her one of the first (if not the first) individuals with Down Syndrome to complete a post-secondary degree. She has had a number of news articles follow her academic progress, including one in...Read More
This essay of mine originally appeared in the New Horizons in Education online journal in 2009. The history of special education in the United States is a dramatic one. Without going into the whole legislative history, suffice it to say that during the 1970’s, due in large part to increasing scientific involvement in special needs...Read More
What do Richard Branson, Charles Schwab, and John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems Inc., all have in common? Answer: they’re all dyslexic. They represent three famous examples of what is becoming increasingly more common in the business world: the presence of entrepreneurs who also happen to be dyslexic. Research carried out by Julie Logan, a professor of entrepreneurship at...Read More
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