
stress reduction
Homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult enough for many parents, but some have the additional responsibility of helping their ADHD-diagnosed kids with schoolwork.  Here are some tips to help you along: Let Your Child Fidget.  Researchers now say that fidgeting actually helps ADHD-identified kids focus better.  One resource that can help with this (so...
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I’m happy to see that educators are paying more attention these days to the impact that past traumas have had on students and the need for an emphasis on social and emotional learning in the classroom.  This comes as welcome relief from the strong emphasis that has been placed in past years on standards and...
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With the growth of mindfulness in classrooms around the country and the world, a number of misconceptions have arisen about mindful practices which deserve to be clarified. The Myth:  “Mindfulness is just another form of mind control over our children.” The Reality:  Mindfulness actually helps children gain control of their own minds so that they’re...
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Millions of children are practicing mindfulness all over the world, and while it’s a very simple process of training the mind to be always in the present moment, without judgement, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.  It can be useful if a parent or teacher has some creative ways to explain...
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More and more these days, teachers are engaging students in mindfulness practices, which research suggests helps develop executive functioning, self-regulation skills, and social and emotional learning in students.  But how to get started?  Here are a few tips: Begin your own personal mindfulness practice before you share it with students.  Setting aside even 5 or 10...
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