One of the most exciting features of the 2012 Olympics in London has been the performance of able people who are disabled. Even before the opening ceremony, Im Dong Hyun from South Korea, won the gold medal in archery and set a world record with an almost perfect score (699 out of 700). Im Dong Hyun is legally...Read More
A recent book by developmental psychologist David Elkind is entitled The Power of Play, and I would recommend it to parents, educators, psychotherapists, and anyone else who has an interest in play and children. David Elkind was a disciple of Jean Piaget, the great French structuralist thinker who changed people’s conceptions of how children think. In this...Read More
Increasingly we’re seeing early childhood education programs veering toward formal academic learning. This is a distressing trend, inasmuch as it makes young children do things (formal reading and math, computer instruction) that they are not developmentally ready for, and that take precious time away from letting children be children. There are no critical periods in...Read More
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