
Developmental Psychology
I’ve just returned from Monterrey, Mexico where I keynoted the 19th Encuentro Internacional de Educacion Inicial y Preescolar (International Meeting of Initial & Preschool Education).  This conference is hosted by the Centro de Desarrollo Infantil or Center for Child Development (CENDI), a network of public educational centers that offers comprehensive services for children in high...
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I have a new article just out today published by the website Arts of Thought, that discusses my psycho-spiritual views of the human life cycle.  It suggests that we develop through the stages of life along two fundamentally different trajectories, one spiritual and the other physical.   The physical journey of life is chronicled in most...
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Yesterday, I wrote a blog post giving 17 reasons why I believe ADHD is not a legitimate medical disorder.  Today, I’ve converted the script into a video with a narrative track and a series of images to drive home what I am saying.  I hope that it will spark some meaningful dialogue. For more information...
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  Orson Welles peaked early in life.  He rose to fame with the infamous radio broadcast of a fictionalized invasion from Mars (which many people believed) in 1938 when he was twenty-three years old.  This newfound fame won him a movie contract in Hollywood where he was given carte blanche to direct the movie Citizen...
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Most of us have taken interesting journeys in our lives (and we have photos to prove it!).  But there was one journey we took that was more incredible than all the others combined:  Our journey from the moment of conception to implantation within our mother’s womb.  You might think:  ”Well, I really wasn’t around to...
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