There are two types of people in this world: those who focus most of their energies upon “adapting” to the circumstances around them, trying to get ahead in the world, meeting deadlines and goals, showing up the competition, and making it in the big world. These are the ”adapters.” On the other hand, there are...Read More
There’s an old Medieval rabbinical tale that says that before we were born, we each had a light that shined above us. This light looked backwards into our origins and forwards into our destiny. But just before we took birth, an angel named Lailah, who had been looking after us during our pre-birth development, came...Read More
Mindfulness practices in the schools seem to be thriving, with millions of kids being introduced to it in one form or another. Along with its popularity, there’s been some push-back from parent groups about whether or not mindfulness violates the separation of church and state. While it’s true that mindfulness emerged from Buddhism (in particular...Read More
To watch a great film is to be fed aesthetically, emotionally, and intellectually. But there are certain great films that do more: they serve as time machines, bringing us backwards or forwards into stages of life that we have already traveled or will eventually and hopefully travel in the future. I call these ”stages of...Read More
I’ve been reading David Marshak’s latest book Evolutionary Parenting. In the book, David highlights the work of three mystics who devoted a great deal of their time and energy to envisioning new forms of education: Rudolf Steiner, Hazrat Inayat Khan, and Sri Aurobindo (some attention is also given to Montessori education). Each of these spiritual...Read More
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