Here’s a little multiple choice quiz: When we come to the end of life, what is it that we are most likely to regret? Is it: a) ”I wish that I had spent more time answering my email” b). ”I wish I had spent more time texting.” c) ”I wish I had spent more time...Read More
Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors who ever lived. He patented the incandescent light bulb, the carbon microphone, the phonograph, the motion picture projector, and a thousand other inventions. But few people know that Edison also was working on a machine that would be able to communicate with the dead. In an article...Read More
The early twentieth century philosopher and mystic Rudolf Steiner conceived of a theory of human development based upon seven year cycles, and linked those cycles to astrology. The first seven years of life (0-7 years old) were associated with the Moon. During this time, the psychic forces are working to transform the body of the...Read More
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