
aesthetic education
One of the most interesting ”learning styles” that I’ve encountered over the course of my teaching is the highly-spatial ”at risk” thinker (I’ll call them “Imagers”).   These kids are often ”at risk” for being diagnosed with learning disabilities, dyslexia, and even ADHD.  However, for the most part, they simply think in a way that is...
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What kind of an arts program does your child’s school have?  Is it one where kids color in turkeys from identical worksheets?  Or, is it instead a rich program of expressive painting and sculpture, dramatics, dance, and music?  Since 2008, more than 80% of schools nationwide have experienced cuts to their budgets, and many of...
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 This video presents a clear case for school reform based on how Albert Einstein might implement changes. It presents 12 school-based interventions using supporting quotations from Albert Einstein’s writings. The 12 ways include: focusing on imagination, opening children to a sense of wonder, promoting individuality over standardization, putting play back in preschool and kindergarten,...
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