This video, part of a multi-video series on my book The Myth of the ADHD Child, suggests that there are different types of attention, and kids diagnosed with ADHD, while often having difficulty with central task attention, actually excel in other forms of attention such as diffused or incidental attention, hyperfocus (flow), novelty-seeking, and creative...Read More
A new study in the April 18, 2023 issue of JAMA Network Open suggests that up to 25% of middle school and high school students in some schools engage in ”nonmedical use of prescription stimulants,” (NUPS) to get ”high,” to get a ”cognitive boost” for class, and as a ”study drug” to help prepare for...Read More
The sudden appearance of a worldwide pandemic, and the closure of most schools across the United States, has left many parents scrambling to provide homeschooling for their kids. While in many cases the schools have taken the lead in this effort and are providing online learning for their students, in other cases parents are more...Read More
Concerned about your child’s behavior at school? Think he might have ADHD? Looking for help from the school’s special education program? A new study reveals that when two groups of primary school children are matched in terms of identical behavioral issues, but one group is diagnosed with ADHD and the other is not, the kids...Read More
Getting students’ attention in the classroom is one of the things that teachers have to do intermittently throughout the school day: at the start of a class, at the end of an activity where students are working in groups, and at other times besides. Some teachers are very good at this, commanding student attention through...Read More
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