Most people think of ADHD as a discrete medical disorder. However, I’ve suggested that the symptoms associated with ADHD can be accounted for in terms of a wide variety of other influences. So far in my You Tube video series on The Myth of the ADHD, I’ve talked about the impact of media, all-boy behavior,...Read More
In this video, part 2 of my series of videos on my book The Myth of the ADHD Child, I look at how we can use a developmental perspective to make sense of ADHD symptoms (rather than explaining them by seeing them as due to a medical disorder). I’ve included the transcript to the video...Read More
I just made a video which is now on You Tube that features the 4th in a series of videos I’ve been doing on my novel titled Childless. Childless is about a childless child psychologist who tries to foil a U.S. government plot to have childhood declared as a medical disorder and removed from the...Read More
A new study published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry revealed that certain subcortical structures in the brains of individuals diagnosed with ADHD are smaller in volume than typically developing matched controls (the median age of the 1713 participants diagnosed with ADHD was 14). The specific structures where differences were found included the nucleus accumbens, the...Read More
Published on Feb 8, 2017 This is Video #11 in my 12-part video series based on my book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students In this video I focus on using expressive arts activities for channeling burgeoning teenage energies. I explain how the adolescent’s limbic system or...Read More
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