A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates a big increase in the percentage of teenage suicides from 2003 to 2004. For all young people between the ages of 10 and 24, the suicide rate rose 8 percent. This is the biggest single year increase in fifteen years. The largest increase was in...Read More
I was very glad to see the research report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS), concluding that children labeled ADHD have normal brains that simply develop later than their peers. This study compared brain scans over a period of years between a group of 223 children diagnosed as having ADHD and a...Read More
Swiss philosopher Jean Piaget conceived of four cognitive stages of human development. They are as follows: Birth to Age Two – The Sensori-Motor Stage: infants develop their thinking processes solely through the body; in the course of moving their arms, legs, and torsos around, infants make things happen accidentally, and want to make them happen...Read More
A recent book by developmental psychologist David Elkind is entitled The Power of Play, and I would recommend it to parents, educators, psychotherapists, and anyone else who has an interest in play and children. David Elkind was a disciple of Jean Piaget, the great French structuralist thinker who changed people’s conceptions of how children think. In this...Read More
Thirty-five years ago, when I was at the beginning of my teaching career, Piaget was all the rage. We read his books, and puzzled over how observation of children interacting with real life situations could enable us to understand the development of their minds. We also were able to catch the tail end of interest...Read More
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