Ever find yourself totally absorbed in an activity? It could be playing a sport, writing a poem, playing a piece of music, painting a picture, watching a caterpillar, doing a math problem, or some other challenging project. If so, then you have had an experience of ”flow.” This concept, developed by the Hungarian-American psychologist Dr....Read More
This is video #9 in my 10-video series Introduction to Neurodiversity, based on a course I taught at Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education. In this video I highlight the gifts, talents, and abilities of individuals who have social and emotional disorders such as OCD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. These positive traits include...Read More
This week I wrote a blog post for a website called Arts of Thought, which features articles on psyche and spirit, love and intimacy, and spiritual practices among other topics. The piece is called Neoteny: The Art of Being Young at Heart. In my new novel, Childless, I use the concept of neoteny (Latin...Read More
I’ll be presenting at the upcoming 29th Annual MicroSociety Conference on July 12, 2022. MicroSociety is an innovative educational program developed by artist/educator extraordinaire George Richmond in the 1960’s where students re-create the institutions of society within their own school environment, including having their own economic system with banks, their own judicial system with student-created...Read More
iWe are so conditioned to regard the child as ”less than” adults (e.g. less tall, less intelligent, less emotionally stable etc.), that we miss something that I believe is essential to understanding not only childhood, but life itself. Yes, children lack many of the essentials for independent living in the world – that is only...Read More
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