We’re all focused on the COVID-19 virus right now, but an even greater threat to our nation and our world is the Trumpona Virus (TRUVID-20). Viruses don’t have the ability to replicate themselves, so what they do is insinuate themselves into a cell body and deceptively and parasitically co-opt the mechanisms and materials of that...Read More
There’s an age-old concept in the field of education called ”the teachable moment.” This is when an event happens unexpectedly that provides an opportunity for students to learn something new. So, for example, if a great statesman died, this might be the chance to learn something about his life, or to examine the traits of...Read More
Many parents are doubling down on their kids’ homeschooling and/or distance learning schedules, trying to make sure that they’re getting the same academic ”rigor” as they got when they were in school. This may be a laudable objective, but it can easily run into problems. Homes are not set up like schools, consequently it’s inevitable...Read More
With mass school closures around the United States (and the world), parents are finding themselves needing to get up to speed on teaching their kids at home. We educators, who have been at it for decades, have an obligation, I believe, to share what we know about learning and education, to help parents through this...Read More
With the advent of the global pandemic from the coronavirus, many schools have been shut across the United States and elsewhere in the world, leaving countless parents with the unanticipated task of teaching their kids at home. In many cases, your schools will assign work to complete during this hiatus. But if they don’t, or...Read More
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