In 1993, ADHD advocate Thom Hartmann wrote that people diagnosed with ADHD are ”hunters in a farmer’s world.” In this video, I continue his train of thought by focusing on how ADHD may best be represented as a genetic adaptation to conditions during prehistoric times. The video describes Darwin’s theory of natural selection and examines...Read More
This week I wrote a blog post for a website called Arts of Thought, which features articles on psyche and spirit, love and intimacy, and spiritual practices among other topics. The piece is called Neoteny: The Art of Being Young at Heart. In my new novel, Childless, I use the concept of neoteny (Latin...Read More
Reflecting upon his scientific achievements, Albert Einstein once noted: “I sometimes ask myself . . . how did it come that I was the one to develop the theory of relativity? The reason, I think, is that a normal adult never stops to think about problems of space and time. These are things which he...Read More
I’ve been reading a number of blogs that have been critical of the neurodiversity movement. Generally, they’ve characterized neurodiversity as saying “we don’t want a cure; we don’t want research; we just want to be left alone in our differentness.” I suspect that only a small minority of neurodiversity activists take this position. I certainly don’t. In...Read More
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