In a previous video, we looked at how the eight intelligences in Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, develop as a result of nature (e.g. genetics etc.), nurture (e.g. education, parenting etc.), and culture (the broader social-historical context in which we find ourselves). Adding to this understanding is the fact that each of the eight...Read More
Most people think of the theory of multiple intelligences as a cognitive model of learning; that is, a path guiding us to an understanding of how people think. But I believe that there is an important affective purpose in using the theory, and that is, to make you happy. It represents a picture of our...Read More
Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences explains that each of us possesses at least eight or nine intelligences. How do these intelligences come into being in the first place? The question of where ”intelligence” as a singular phenomenon comes from has been hotly debated by psychometricians and other experts for decades. Generally speaking, the debate...Read More
My first novel, Childless, was published last month, and I’ve been creating a series of short videos to highlight different aspects of the book. In the previous two videos I talked about 1) general features of the novel and 2) how human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) work as a plot device (also go to my website...Read More
This week I wrote a blog post for a website called Arts of Thought, which features articles on psyche and spirit, love and intimacy, and spiritual practices among other topics. The piece is called Neoteny: The Art of Being Young at Heart. In my new novel, Childless, I use the concept of neoteny (Latin...Read More
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