Getting students’ attention in the classroom is one of the things that teachers have to do intermittently throughout the school day: at the start of a class, at the end of an activity where students are working in groups, and at other times besides. Some teachers are very good at this, commanding student attention through...Read More
I just read a very interesting article from EdSurge, an educational technology information online resource that focuses on the benefits of coding, describing how kids who have difficulty in other subjects can sometimes find hidden strengths in their ability to work with code. The author Kimberly Rues, writes: ”In every classroom where I’ve given kids...Read More
One of the neatest features of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is that it helps us understand ourselves better. Since the theory is based on nouns (words, numbers, pictures, music, people, nature) rather than on verbs (e.g. judging, perceiving, seeing, hearing, achieving, investigating), it can be related to our personal lives more easily and...Read More
A school teacher was on his way to a new teaching appointment in a far-away land, and he’d been traveling on foot all the way, and was getting quite exhausted from his journey, when unexpectedly he came to a river that he had to cross. As there was no bridge in sight, he hired a...Read More
Several years ago, I wrote a book for elementary and middle school students entitled You’re Smarter Than You Think: A Kid’s Guide to Multiple Intelligences(published by Free Spirit Publishing). Since it came out, I have received letters from young readers responding to their experience of reading the book. Just this month, I received a packet...Read More
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