I received an email last week from someone who said his school had required him to buy a book that claimed Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences was a myth. Naturally, as someone who has written and taught about this theory for the past thirty-four years, I was disturbed by this revelation. To help set...Read More
The theory of multiple intelligences as developed by Dr. Howard Gardner has received a drubbing over the past 15-20 years for not being ”evidence based.” Elsewhere I described my objections to this term as it is being used in education. But suffice it to say in this post that when we look at the Latin...Read More
I’ve often claimed that every child is a genius. This is sometimes misunderstood to mean that I think every child could be an Einstein or a Picasso. I mean nothing of the kind. I’m using the word ”genius” in its original meaning, which means ”to give birth” (it’s related etymologically to the word ”genesis”) and...Read More
One of the neatest features of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is that it helps us understand ourselves better. Since the theory is based on nouns (words, numbers, pictures, music, people, nature) rather than on verbs (e.g. judging, perceiving, seeing, hearing, achieving, investigating), it can be related to our personal lives more easily and...Read More
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