Jean Gebser (1905-1973) was a German philosopher, linguist, poet, and autodidact who wrote The Ever-Present Origin, an interdisciplinary survey of human and cultural consciousness that was decades ahead of its time. His integral perspective did not deal with the stages of a human life per se (e.g. birth to death), but rather focused on the...Read More
I’ve written a book for educators called The Best Schools: How Human Development Research Should Inform Educational Practice (publisher: The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, December, 2006). In this book I suggest that our educational climate has become totally overwhelmed by what I call an “academic achievement discourse.” This discourse concentrates on accountability, rubrics,...Read More
A recent book by developmental psychologist David Elkind is entitled The Power of Play, and I would recommend it to parents, educators, psychotherapists, and anyone else who has an interest in play and children. David Elkind was a disciple of Jean Piaget, the great French structuralist thinker who changed people’s conceptions of how children think. In this...Read More
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