
I just produced this fifteen minute video/slide presentation which discusses my book Childless (about a childless child psychologist who tries to foil a U.S. government plot to remove childhood from the human genome) and how its darkly comedic satire is intended in part to raise awareness about how the institution of childhood is under attack...
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I’m noticing that parents are talking a lot on Twitter about how much time their kids are spending watching television during this COVID-19 pandemic.  With so much time freed up from going to school, the television can provide an escape from the stresses and strains that we’re all going through. Some parents feel guilty about...
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New studies have revealed that screen time (TV, video games, Internet etc.) modifies brain structure and cognitive functioning.  In one study where children between the ages of 3 and 5 had their brains scanned, those kids whose screen time exceeded the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines had lower levels of white matter integrity in...
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First, let me begin by saying I am not an idiot.  I clearly recognize that ADHD is a certified medical condition as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM 5).  In addition, I recognize that the symptoms described in the DSM-5 are very real:  things like ‘’fidgets’’ ‘’blurts out...
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