I’ll be presenting at the upcoming 29th Annual MicroSociety Conference on July 12, 2022. MicroSociety is an innovative educational program developed by artist/educator extraordinaire George Richmond in the 1960’s where students re-create the institutions of society within their own school environment, including having their own economic system with banks, their own judicial system with student-created...Read More
Many educators and parents have been worrying that the interruption in school being experienced by so many students nationwide (and worldwide) as a result of COVID-19 will result in significant ”learning loss.” That is, by not having previous learning reinforced, and by not adding new learning to their experience, students will backslide in their academic...Read More
I was reading my Twitter feed a few days ago, and one person was sharing some innovations at their school. This drew the comment from another tweeter that ”we could never do that in our school.” This made me think about how change occurs in education, and what sorts of qualities are required in order...Read More
Homework is considered to be part of the natural order of things in school. But in the past twenty years or so there’s been an increasing amount of criticism about its function and use (see for example, Alfie Kohn’s The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing). I too believe...Read More
Recently I was doing a workshop on multiple intelligences for a group of teachers, and I started talking excitedly about the educator John Holt, who leaped to fame in the 1960’s with the publication of his best-selling book How Children Fail, and who later became one of the founders of the homeschooling movement in the...Read More
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