Many parents are doubling down on their kids’ homeschooling and/or distance learning schedules, trying to make sure that they’re getting the same academic ”rigor” as they got when they were in school. This may be a laudable objective, but it can easily run into problems. Homes are not set up like schools, consequently it’s inevitable...Read More
The following is a paper on early childhood and play that I presented as part of my keynote at the 19th Encuentro Internacional de Educacion Inicial y Preescolar (International Meeting of Initial & Preschool Education) in Monterrey, Mexico on October 10, 2019. A Comprehensive Vision of Human Development: Cognitive and Socio-Affective Processes...Read More
Increasingly we’re seeing early childhood education programs veering toward formal academic learning. This is a distressing trend, inasmuch as it makes young children do things (formal reading and math, computer instruction) that they are not developmentally ready for, and that take precious time away from letting children be children. There are no critical periods in...Read More
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