Everybody is born with a love for learning. Look at a baby. She wants to explore everything around her, tasting, touching, smelling, feeling, hearing – learning all about the environment (including her own body). Nature set things up that way so that we’d always be learning, growing, and adapting to an ever-changing environment. Something, however,...Read More
About education: here’s what I don’t understand. On the one hand, you have the child – this incredibly wonderful organism that has had millions of years to evolve a beautifully complex brain designed to be naturally curious, playful, vital, creative, and joyful. On the other hand, you have this amazing world: exquisite life forms, unbelievable...Read More
This video presents a clear case for school reform based on how Albert Einstein might implement changes. It presents 12 school-based interventions using supporting quotations from Albert Einstein’s writings. The 12 ways include: focusing on imagination, opening children to a sense of wonder, promoting individuality over standardization, putting play back in preschool and kindergarten,...Read More
Yesterday, I wrote a blog post giving 17 reasons why I believe ADHD is not a legitimate medical disorder. Today, I’ve converted the script into a video with a narrative track and a series of images to drive home what I am saying. I hope that it will spark some meaningful dialogue. For more information...Read More
Teachers have been taking it on the chin a lot lately with calls for the abolishment of tenure, and its replacement with what have been called “value-added models” of teaching evaluation. Basically, what this means is that teachers are going to be increasingly assessed in terms of their ability to raise the standardized test scores of their students. ...Read More
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