
Thomas Edison
It’s a well-known fact that many authentic Persian carpets have deliberate mistakes woven into them because of the Islamic belief that only Allah is perfect, and that a perfect carpet would be an insult to Him.  The belief makes it clear that humans are innately imperfect.  Unfortunately, in our American schools, teachers often expect students...
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Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors who ever lived.  He patented the incandescent light bulb, the carbon microphone, the phonograph, the motion picture projector, and a thousand other inventions.  But few people know that Edison also was working on a machine that would be able to communicate with the dead. In an article...
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Researchers have discovered a link between the dopamine D4 receptor 7R allele gene (which has been linked to novelty seeking), and a group of adolescent boys with ADHD.  There is an element of semantics in this, because the D4 gene has also been called the “risk-taking” or “thrill-seeking” gene.  In any case, this gene has been associated...
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