New York Times promotional quote and cover of the bookADHD has three negative words in the label: ”deficit” ”hyperactivity” and ”disorder.” And yet recent research suggests that this form of neurological diversity actually has more assets in it than deficits. Why is there such an emphasis on what’s wrong in the ADHD field?  Why don’t we know more about the strengths of children, teens, and adults with a diagnosis of ADHD?

To help rectify this situation, I’ve created this video, which is #6 of a 10-video series, Introduction to Neurodiversity, based on a course I taught at Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education in 2021. This video highlights the assets and strengths of children and adults diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

I suggest that the genes for ADHD are still in the gene pool because they were adaptive for hunting and gathering back in primitive times, and still today they confer advantages in the workplace if the work requirements include novelty, change, fast-pace, hands-on, movement, and other dynamic features. The worst place to be for an ADHD-diagnosed person is a 9 to 5 desk job at work, or the typical worksheet-based classroom in school. Things I cover in the video include:

  • the connection between ADHD and creativity
  • the slower but normal (and even advantageous) development of the ADHD brain
  • the use of apps to help those diagnosed with ADHD on issues related to attention, focus, social connections, and novelty
  • careers that match the traits of the ADHD diagnosed adult
  • modifications that can be made in the learning environment at home, school, or at work
  • positive social connections that can enrich the life of a person diagnosed with ADHD
    examples of famous people with ADHD

For more information about my particular approach to ADHD, plus lots of practical strategies, see my book The Myth of the ADHD Child:  101 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion.

For more information about neurodiversity, see my books The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain, and Neurodiversity in the Classroom:  Strength-Based Strategies to Help Students with Special Needs Succeed in School and Life.

This page was brought to you by Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. and

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Cover of book The Power of NeurodiversityColor cover of book Neurodiversity in the Classroom

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About the author

I’m the author of 20 books including my latest, a novel called Childless, which you can order from Amazon.

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